Welcome to Rants and Raves!
I kept hearing that I needed to write, so here is the blog that I ended up starting.
It is mostly an accounting of my progression through creating a web site, nuances with code, and tips about what I did to make things work.
In there you will find sprinkled about some gems of life, and letting loose fun.
Fill In Blank Post Dates
Now that I have figured out how to get the data I want to work with using:
$null_posts = Blog::whereNull('post_at')->get();
I can now loop through and set the null post date to the created date with:
foreach ($null_posts as $post) {
$post->post_at = $post->created_at;
Next would be to switch to sorting and filtering by post date, and allow me to have accurate created dates.
Needed Troubleshooting Functions
Useful commands for troubleshooting:
dump($variable); Spits out the values of the supplied variable into the view and keeps progressing through the code.
dd($variable); Spits out the values of the supplied variable into the view and halts the rest of the code.
Make Sure To Use ->Get()
When using Laravel's Eloquent and/or maybe Query Builder the data returned is different depending on how the statement is built.
$variable=Table::whereNull('field'); gets you database connection/query info.
$variable=Table::whereNull('field')->get(); gets you the data from the table to be able to work with.
Make A Controller From A Laravel Template
Using Homestead and the built-in PHP you can create a controller that has the default functions in it. If you have PHP installed on your machine you can skip the Homestead/Vagrant portion.
CD into Homestead directory
Run: "vagrant up"
Run: "vagrant ssh"
CD into code folder
Run: "php artisan make:controller NameController -r
Laravel Controller Default Functions
There are default functions that the route can automatically utilize, they are:
index() - Display a listing of the resource.
create() - Show the form for creating a new resource.
store(Request $request) - Store a newly created resource in storage.
show($id) - Display the specified resource.
edit($id) - Show the form for editing the specified resource.
update(Request $request, $id) - Update the specified resource in storage.
destroy($id) - Remove the specified resource from storage.
Lego Time
I built Lego set 31130 today. It's a 3-in-1 set so they give you instructions for 3 different things you can build with the set. I went with the submarine with a giant octopus and treasure vault. There's something nice about the Legos; the colors, sounds, smells, modularity, ingenuity. I really like them.
Laravel MVC Refresher
MVC stands for Model, View, Controller. In the case of Laravel:
Model - Does the actual database work, talks to the controller.
View - The GUI, what the user sees, input/output, talks to the controller.
Controller - Does a lot of the logic between the Model and View, has basic pre-defined functions that can be adjusted or add your own, talks between the Model and the View.
GIT Commits Need Some Defaults
Now that GIT is installed again I have a bunch of changes that it would like to commit. At a minimum a name and email are required for logging.
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com
I decided to also put my Homestead configuration settings into a .env.homestead file. This does require editing the .yaml file in the root of the homestead folder with:
- key: APP_ENV
value: homestead
Now Homestead will provide a server app environment variable of "homestead", and Laravel will try to find and run the settings from the .env.homestead file. Make sure to run "vagrant reload --provision" after the .yaml file has been adjusted.